Programming for fun and profit

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Thu 07 July 2022

The art of learning from the less experienced

Posted by Simon Larsén in Programming   

Software engineering is a lifelong journey of learning. Regardless of how dedicated you are in your learning, there will never come a point where you have learned it all. As such, it's important to use all learning resources available to us. As is evident from the themes on my blog, I'm very partial to books and other written media. Indeed, this blog post is such written media. But perhaps the best source of learning for a software engineer is simply other software engineers.

Now, learning new things from those more experienced than you isn't that much a leap of the imagination. Of course you're going to try to soak up anything you can learn from your seasoned team lead, or that database expert who does magical things with SQL queries, or anyone else you identify as being highly proficient in something that interests you. No, there is no real challenge there, barring the fact that these experienced engineers may not have the inclination to teach you. But this blog post is about your disposition as a learner, so let's stick to the topic. And actually get to the topic to begin with: learning from the less experienced.

A student can teach their teacher

When I attended university, I worked many years as a teaching assistant in introductory computer science classes. During one class I held, there was at some point a part of an assignment that required flipping the value of a boolean variable. Something like: given a boolean variable isOdd, define a new boolean variable isEven that is true if isOdd is false, and false if isOdd is true. One student presented a solution like the one below.

boolean isEven;
if (isOdd == true) {
    isEven = false;
} else {
    isEven = true;

Being an enthusiastic but still rather fresh teaching assistant with not all that much programming experience, I said it was a viable solution but it would be more concise to use a ternary operator.

boolean isEven = isOdd ? false : true;

The students sat back in awe at my incredibly simple solution to the problem. That is, until 5 seconds passed and another student had a bright idea: "why not just negate isOdd?". What the student meant was the following:

boolean isEven = !isOdd;

Not only is this solution the most concise, it also more clearly represents the concept the task asked for. Something is "even" precisely if it is "not odd", after all. I managed to humble myself enough to commend the student for a well thought out solution.

First year students routinely taught me new things

I taught the first year computer science courses for four years. I expanded my skills exponentially during this time. And yet, every year there would be new first year students that knew something I did not, or had some insight I lacked. While these events definitely became less frequent as I gained more experience, they never ceased. I'm confident that I could go back there now and teach the same courses again, and there would be a student or two with something to teach me.

The great insight that I gained from this is that regardless of how far ahead you are of someone else, you are doing both yourself and them a disservice by not being open to let them teach you things. It's also incredibly hard to determine if someone is less experienced than you are. In the !isOdd scenario outlined above, I was in a position of authority relative to the student who had the best solution, but it's not unlikely that student had done a lot more programming than I had, given that I didn't start until I was in university.

The great challenge in keeping an open mind in disagreement

The reason I could so easily swallow my pride and commend the student with the !isOdd solution is not that I at that time was particularly humble. I simply agreed with the solution the student had in mind, it fit my mental model. I've since been in situations where someone I've viewed as less experienced (and more importantly, less proficient) than myself has come with a suggestion that I've fundamentally disagreed with. In such scenarios keeping an open mind is a lot more difficult, and all I can do is try to the best of my abilities. I will argue my point, and I can argue fiercely, but I also try my absolute hardest not to dismiss their point outright, and hear out their arguments. I also try not to let my predetermined view of their experience and proficiency taint my judgement. Sometimes I succeed on the spot, and sometimes I succeed in hindsight when reflecting over a past conversation. And most assuredly, sometimes I simply fail.

My point with all of this storytelling really boils down to one piece of advise: avoid leaning on your impressions of someone's experience and proficiency when evaluating their arguments for some point. I guarantee they know things you don't. Like me, you are unlikely to always succeed, but you'll benefit from the times you do. Not to mention that the other party of the argument will most often appreciate you letting them make their case. Perhaps that's actually the more important part of thes story. But it sure does not hurt that there's something in it for you as well.