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Sun 28 October 2018

A binary search tree in Kotlin pt. 1: Representing a node

Posted by Simon Larsén in Programming   

In my journey to become a somewhat competent Kotlin developer, I've decided to implement a few of the basic data structures that I've picked up during my three years of computer science studies. First up, we have a generic binary tree. This is an interesting case, because it lets us both delve into generics in Kotlin, and some aspects of inheritance that differ from inheritance in Java (in a good way!). As I want to cover some topics in depth, this will be a three-part series with the following content:

  1. In the first part, we'll develop a basic class hierarchy for representing nodes. It covers object types, data classes and sealed classes, as well as some other related topics. The node is however restricted to only carry Int data.
  2. In the second part, we'll expand upon the class hierarchy from part 1 to create a generic node class that can hold any type of data.
  3. Finally, we'll use the results of part 2 to develop a rudimentary binary tree in (what is in my opinion) idiomatic Kotlin.

If you already know about object types, data classes and sealed classes, I recommend that you skip directly to part 2. If you are already comfortable with generics, including generic inheritance, you may skip directly to part 3.

Series index

  1. Representing a node (this part!)
  2. Generic node
  3. Generic BST with insert, contains and traversal (coming soon!)

Goals and intended audience

I write articles mostly for myself, and as such, this article series is intended for developers with some experience with Java looking to get into Kotlin. Let's get at it then, shall we?

Representing a node: A Java-like attempt

As I see it, a tree node can be one of two things: existent, or non-existent. In other words, it can be a node or an empty node. As Kotlin is, thankfully, quite adverse to using null, I will refrain from doing so as well. So what we want is an abstract node class ANode and sub-classes Node and Empty. Let's give it a first try in a pretty Java-like manner, and then improve upon it with some neat Kotlin language constructs.

abstract class ANode

class Empty : ANode()

class Node : ANode {
    val data: Int
    var left: ANode
    var right: ANode

    constructor(data: Int) : super() { = data;
        right = Empty()
        left = Empty()

If you've had any experience with any remotely Java-looking language, you can probably guess what's going on here. There's the abstract ANode class, the Empty class representing the absence of a node and the Node class representing an actual node. Note also that we have not delved into generics yet, this is a node that can only hold Int data. That's fine for now, we'll expand upon this implementation with generics in part 2. When we later implement the binary tree, we will often want to distinguish between a Node and Empty. One such case is when we search the tree for a given value, to see if it is contained in the tree. This operation can be succinctly expressed using recursion, but let us leave that for part 2. For now, let's just check the first node (the root), without exploring its children.

// check if data is contained in node
fun contains(node: ANode, data: Int): Boolean = when (node) {
    is Empty -> false
    is Node -> data == // note implicit cast
    else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("node argument was neither Empty nor Node!")

This is of course a pretty stupid function at this point, but we'll make it much more worthwhile in part 2. Note the expression body used here, in combination with a when expression. If you are unfamiliar with those concepts, follow the links and read up on them, they will be crucial when implementing the tree algorithms in parts 2 and 3. Also note the implicit cast occurring on the second line of the function. Since we used is Node to match node, the compiler can infer that node is in fact a Node object, and we can safely dereference it with! Finally, note that the else case is needed as the compiler does not know that there are only two subclasses of ANode (even though we currently do, in this very small project). We'll see how to resolve that shortly. Let's try this function out:

>>> contains(Empty(), 2)
>>> contains(Node(2), 2)
>>> contains(Node(2), 3)

It seems to work just fine. We could leave the class hierarchy like this and jump straight into generics. There are, however, three notable problems with the node classes.

  1. For each empty node we need, a new instance of Empty is created. This is wasteful.
  2. The body of Node is a whole lot of code for very little functionality.
  3. The compiler can't tell that Node and Empty are the only subtypes of ANode, forcing us to use an else in the when expression.

As it turns out, all of these problems are easy to solve in Kotlin!

Problem 1 solution: Singleton objects

Problem number 1 can be solved very easily, as Kotlin has language support for the singleton pattern. We simply swap this declaration

class Empty : ANode()

for this declaration

object Empty : ANode()

Empty is now a singleton object, so we can assign it without instantiating Emptys all over the place. The constructor for Node now looks like this:

constructor(data: Int) : super() { = data;
    right = Empty       // note the lack of parentheses!
    left = Empty

One problem solved, two to go!

Problem 2 solution: Primary constructors and data classes

We can solve problem number 2 with Kotlin's syntax for primary constructors. Instead of defining Node the Java way, we do it the Kotlin way:

class Node(val data: Int, var right: ANode = Empty, var left: ANode = Empty) : ANode()

This is almost equivalent to the previous declaration, with the exception that right and left are assigned default values in the header such that they can be replaced by explicit arguments when calling the constructor. Note that ANode must be instantiated right there in the header as well. However, since we know that Node will always be a simple container, we can do one better here by prepending data to the declaration.

data class Node(val data: Int, var right: ANode = Empty, var left: ANode = Empty) : ANode()

This makes Node a data class, which among other things come with implementations of equals and toString. A fortunate accident here is that the toString of Node will actually let us view the whole tree with very little effort, as toString will be called on both left and right, recursively (this will be demonstrated in part 3). Do be careful not to create a cycle, though, as this will cause a stack overflow, endlessly calling toString (a tree, by definition, has no cycles, so we are good in this case).

Problem 3 solution: Sealed classes

To reiterate, the problem was that the compiler can't tell that Node and Empty are the only subtypes of ANode. Therefore, we needed the else in the when expression to cover up the non-existent case of the argument to contains being anything else.

// check if data is contained in node
fun contains(node: ANode, data: Int): Boolean = when (node) {
    is Empty -> false
    is Node -> data ==
    else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("node argument was neither Empty nor Node!")

We can, however, tell the compiler that Node and Empty are the only subtypes by making ANode a sealed class. Any subclass of a sealed class must be declared inside the same file, which lets the compiler know precisely which subtypes can exist. To accomplish this, we simply replace the abstract modifier with sealed (because sealed implies abstract, we don't need the latter).

sealed class ANode

We can now drop the else from contains, because the compiler knows that a variable with static type ANode is either Empty, or a Node, there are no other possibilities.

// check if data is contained in node
fun contains(node: ANode, data: Int): Boolean = when (node) {
    is Empty -> false
    is Node -> data ==

Let's give it a try

>>> contains(Node(2), 2)
>>> contains(Empty, 2)

Neat, now we have a good base for venturing into the fraught land of generics in part 2.

Final code listing

The final version of the code, that we'll use in part 2, can be found below. I've also included a main function such that you can run the code in your preferred way, right off the bat!

sealed class ANode

object Empty : ANode()

data class Node(val data: Int, var left: ANode = Empty, var right: ANode = Empty) : ANode()

// check if data is contained in node
fun contains(node: ANode, data: Int): Boolean = when (node) {
    is Empty -> false
    is Node -> data == // note implicit cast

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    println(contains(Empty, 2))
    println(contains(Node(2), 2))
    println(contains(Node(2), 3))