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Tue 30 October 2018

A binary search tree in Kotlin pt. 2: Generic node

Posted by Simon Larsén in Programming   

Welcome to part 2 of my series on the idiomatic Kotlin binary tree! In this part, we're gonna have a look at how to make the node representation from part 1 capable of carrying any kind of data (i.e. generic).

Series index

  1. Representing a node
  2. Generic node (this part!)
  3. Generic BST with insert, contains and traversal (coming soon!)

Attribution and reading recommendations

In this part, we'll start working a little bit with binary tree algorithms. More specifically, we'll complete the contains function from part 1. All of the algorithms I implement in this series are based on this article by Stefan Nilsson. If you are unfamiliar with the concepts of binary trees, I highly recommend that you sift through that article before continuing with this one.

Improving contains

Recall the contains function that we started working on in part 1. Before we start working on generics, I want us to complete this function. It will make some of the decisions about generics much more apparent. Anyway, here's contains as we wrote it in part 1.

// check if data is contained in node
fun contains(node: ANode, data: Int): Boolean = when (node) {
    is Empty -> false
    is Node -> data == // note implicit cast

It's not a particularly useful function, as it only checks the current node. What we'd rather have it do is check the entire subtree, in which node is the root. This can quite easily be performed with recursion. The Empty case still stands, if we hit an empty node, the data is not contained in the tree. If node is a Node, on the other hand, there are three possibilities:

  1. data <, in which case we keep searching in the left subtree.
  2. data >, in which case we keep searching in the right subtree.
  3. data is neither smaller or larger than, so they are comparably equal. If this actually means that they are equal or not is implementation specific, but it is highly recommended that ordering is consistent with equals. We will assume that this is the case.

As we have three distinct cases, we can again use a when expression.

// check if data is contained in the tree rooted in node
fun contains(node: ANode, data: Int): Boolean = when (node) {
    is Empty -> false
    is Node -> when { // no-argument when so we can do arbitrary comparisons
        data < -> contains(node.left, data)
        data > -> contains(node.right, data)
        else -> true

Note that the nested when expression has no argument in parentheses, allowing us to perform more complex operations in the matchings. And that's it for the contains operation. It's really quite elegant. We can quickly ammend the main function to try it out:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // create the tree
    //          6
    //         / \
    //        3   9
    //         \
    //          4
    val root = Node(6,
            left = Node(3,
                    right = Node(4)),
            right = Node(9))

    println("Search for elements in the tree")
    for (data in listOf(6, 3, 4, 9)) {
        println(contains(root, data))
    println("Search for elements not in the tree")
    for (data in listOf(10, 2, 1, -12)) {
        println(contains(root, data))

With that out of the way, let's dive into making the whole thing generic!

Getting generic

Now, how do we make the node classes generic? A first attempt might be to just change the Node class, and do something like this:

data class Node<T>(val data: T, var left: ANode = Empty, var right: ANode = Empty) : ANode()

fun <T : Comparable<T>> contains(node: ANode, data: T): Boolean = when (node) {
    is Empty -> false
    is Node<T> -> when {
        data < -> contains(node.left, data)
        data > -> contains(node.right, data)
        else -> true

This is a reasonable attempt. Before we dive into the problems, let's analyze what we just did. After fun we write <T : Comparable<T>>, which makes this function generic. The addition states that the type parameter T can be substituted by any type that implements Comparable<T> (which we need to be able to use < and >). Node<T> simply defines a type parameter T that can be substituted with any type. It is a bit inconvenient that we could put non-comparable types in a Node object, but we'll see that it sorts itself out when we create the Tree class in part 3. For now, just ignore that detail.

Now, the above code won't compile, for multiple reasons. The first problem is that we can't ask at runtime if node is Node<T> (the compiler will say Cannot check for erased type: Node), becuase information about generics is erased at runtime. We could succesfully match against a wildcard type parameter (meaning any type) with is Node<*>, but then we run into the real showstopper: we don't know whether data and are actually comparable, as they might not have the same type. With the current class hierarchy, there is no reasonable way around this. An ANode is not parameterized, and therefore the dynamic type of an ANode can be any Node type (e.g. Node<Int>, Node<String> etc) or Empty. We have to put the type parameter T higher up in the inheritance chain.

Inheriting from a generic class

Since ANode is the only class higher up in the inheritance chain (apart from Any), this is where we need to put our type parameter. For ANode and Node, it is straightforward.

sealed class ANode<T>

data class Node<T>(val data: T, var left: ANode<T> = Empty, var right: ANode<T> = Empty) : 

Note that Node<T> is inheriting from ANode<T>. We cannot (and wouldn't want to, anyway) leave it as ANode, because unlike Java, Kotlin does not support raw types. Now, since we cannot inherit from ANode, but must specify the type parameter with a concrete type, what do we put there for Empty? In the case of Node<T>, we simply inherit from ANode<T>, because T is declared as a parameter to Node<T> and is therefore concrete for for ANode. We can't however just do something like

object Empty : ANode<T>()

because T is not declared in that scope. We also can't give Empty a type parameter, because Empty is a singleton object, and type parameters simply don't work with singletons (it wouldn't make much sense, if you stop to think about it for a while). What we actually want to put as the type parameter, is nothing. Literally. We wan't Nothing, a concrete type in Kotlin which is a subtype of every non-nullable type.

object Empty : ANode<Nothing>()

Note that we don't want to put Any (which is the supertype of every non-nullable type), because the we wouldn't be able to assign Empty to any concrete type of ANode<T>. Now you may be angrily shouting that you still can't assign Empty to any type of ANode<T>. Unfortunately, ANode<T> (for any substition of T) is invariant. Let's fix that.

Generics are invariant by default, but Kotlin can stretch the rules

Any generc class is invariant by default. What does this mean? In short, it means that a generic type (e.g. ANode<Int>) is not a supertype, nor subtype, of any other type. Formally, it means that if we have two types A and B such that B is a subtype of A, ANode<B> is not a subtype of ANode<A>. Take for example Empty, which subtypes ANode<Nothing>. It is not a subtype of ANode<Int>, even though Nothing is a subtype of Int. Inconvenient, we want Empty to be a subtype of any concrete ANode. We can achieve this by using the out modifier, and declaring Anode<out T>. Formally, we make ANode covariant on the type parameter T. We can only do this if every use of T is in an out position (i.e. return values). Note that this restriction applies only to the body of ANode, the T in Node<T> is not the same type parameter as in ANode<out T>. If you found all of that confusing (I sure did the first time I read about it), you can read more about variance in the Kotlin docs on generics. Here is what the working class hierarchy looks like:

sealed class ANode<out T>

object Empty : ANode<Nothing>()

data class Node<T>(
        val data: T,
        var left: ANode<T> = Empty,
            var right: ANode<T> = Empty) : ANode<T>()

contains now looks like this:

// check if data is contained in node
fun <T : Comparable<T>> contains(node: ANode<T>, data: T): Boolean = when (node) {
    is Empty -> false
    is Node<T> -> when {
        data < -> contains(node.left, data)
        data > -> contains(node.right, data)
        else -> true

Now, you may be asking yourself why in the world we can do the is Node<T> check now, while we could not before? Well, we're not actually checking at runtime whether node is Node<T>, because the compiler knows any variable with the static type ANode<T> is either Empty, or Node<T>. So, for example, ANode<Int> must have dynamic type Empty or Node<Int>, there are no other possibilities. As the compiler knows this, we can in fact skip the <T> and just write is Node. That's all we need of our node classes, so we can move on to implement the Tree class in part 3!

Final code listing

This is the final state of the code that we'll be using for part 3.

sealed class ANode<out T>

object Empty : ANode<Nothing>()

data class Node<T>(
        val data: T,
        var left: ANode<T> = Empty,
        var right: ANode<T> = Empty) : ANode<T>()

// check if data is contained in node
fun <T : Comparable<T>> contains(node: ANode<T>, data: T): Boolean = when (node) {
    is Empty -> false
    is Node<T> -> when {
        data < -> contains(node.left, data)
        data > -> contains(node.right, data)
        else -> true

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // create the tree
    //          6
    //         / \
    //        3   9
    //         \
    //          4
    val root = Node(6,
            left = Node(3,
                    right = Node(4)),
            right = Node(9))

    println("Search for elements in the tree")
    for (data in listOf(6, 3, 4, 9)) {
        println(contains(root, data))
    println("Search for elements not in the tree")
    for (data in listOf(10, 2, 1, -12)) {
        println(contains(root, data))